
网络 王霜 2019-03-01 16:54  阅读量:11444   




  Thank you. Thanks for Oxford China Forum and your applause. As a participant of China’s technology industry, I would like to share my views in today’s topic。


  As the saying goes,technology is the primary productive forces. There are so many technological innovations every year that will change our lives。

  2018 年,我们同样听到很多振奋的消息,基因试纸被开发、新型光合作用被发现、人工智能应用爆发、洞察号登陆火星...... 小到基因序列,大到外太空,科技让人类发现了越来越大的世界。

  There was lots of good news in 2018 too.The multiplexed and portable nucleic acid detection platform,the new type of photosynthesis, the AI applications, the insight landing on Mars,and so on...... Technological innovations make us discover a larger world。

  这些最新的科技话题,每个都在知乎上引发了热烈讨论。在知乎超过 3000 万个问题中,科技一直是规模最大的话题和讨论门类。除了科技话题,知乎上也有很多其它领域的讨论,涉及的话题数量高达 27 万。当然,这里面也包括英国以及牛津大学的讨论。事实上,知乎聚集了超过 17 万在英国的用户,他们的无私分享,让中国网友更了解英国的人文和科技。

  The innovations has been discussed extensively on Zhihu. Yes, Zhihu is a Q&A online community that collected 270 thousand topics and 30 million questions in total. There are also many discussions about other fields including the UK and Oxford. Especially, Zhihu has gathered more than 170 thousand users from the UK, their posts in UK about culture and technology are very valuable。

  说到“科技强国”,毫无疑问,英国从第一次工业革命开始,就是当之无愧的科技强国。数百年来,英国的科技创新实力都名列前茅。 而建校 900 多年的牛津大学更是不可忽视的一支力量。作为英国最大的科研中心,牛津大学为全球科技发展输送了大量杰出的人才,他们创造的科技硕果,不仅推动英国成为世界科技强国,也惠及到世界各国的人民。

  Obviously, the UK has been a well-deserved tech leader since the first Industrial Revolution.For centuries, the UK has been one of the world's leading technology innovators. And Oxford, the largest scientific research center in the UK with more than 900-year history, has provided a massive number of outstanding talents. Their work on science and technology benefit the country and people of the whole world。

  那么,中国的科技发展又是怎样一番景象呢?在接到主办方的邀请之后,我把这次的论坛议题作为一个问题在知乎抛出,截止到上周,一共收获了 299 个回答,3198 人关注,186 多万人浏览。

  Well, what about the technological development in China? After receiving the invitation from the forum, I raised a question as same as our topic on Zhihu. As of last week, the question had received more than 300 answers, and around 3 thousands followers. The discussions received 1.89 million page views。


  Basically, there are two consensuses. The first is, China has essentially become a major tech power across the world. And the tipping point for China to be tech leader may be in the near future。

  我这里有一组数据, 2008 年至 2018 年,中国科技人员共发表国际论文 227.22 万篇,论文共被引用 2272.40 万次,分别排在世界第 2 位;中国成为世界上唯一一个专利申请有两位数增长的国家,一个对研究和发展的投资高达全世界投资总额的 20% 的国家。

  Let me show you some data. From 2008 to 2018, Chinese researchers have published 2,272,200 papers internationally, which have been cited 22,724,000 times, and both ranked the second in the world after the United States. China is also the only country that have double-digit growth in patent applications, and the one whose research funds has accounted for 20 percent of the total in the world。


  In the macro scope,China has made great achievements in technology engineering all over the world.That's why China has been called "the infrastructure maniac" in domestic and abroad。


  One month ago, China's Chang 'e-4 spacecraft has successfully landed on far side of the moon, marking a giant leap for China in history. In the same year, China has completed the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, which is the most difficult construction, with the longest length, the highest tech, the most scientific patents and the largest amount of investment in the world. The bridge has also been named as one of the "the seven wonders of the modern world" by The Guardian。
