据欧联通讯社报道,一项睡眠调查结果显示,中国人的睡眠时间平均每天为7.1个小时,周末则为8.5个小时 ,在全球12国睡眠时间排名中,位居前列 。法国媒体近日也建议,长期缺觉的法国人或许可以向中国人学习,养成睡午觉的习惯 。

(Via francetvinfo.fr)
而经济合作与发展组织2018年发布的一项研究称,中国人平均睡眠时间是9个小时 ,这归功于中国人的午休习惯。

(Via 中新社)
是不是眼花了?原本外国人口中起早贪黑、勤劳工作 的中国人 ,怎么如今却变成了爱睡觉的中国人 了?
而新华社此前的报告也称,中国人不是睡眠时间长,而是需要更多睡眠 。

(Via Xinhua)
A survey by Chinese Sleep Research Society showed that 76 percent of Chinese aged 10 to 45 suffer from sleep disorders, while only 11 percent of the nearly 60,000 surveyed said they could regularly sleep the whole night through.
▲Chinese need more sleep amid mounting pressure(via Xinhua)
于是,新浪微博上,不少中国网友吐槽国外的研究结果非常脱离实际 :

(Via 新浪微博)
在网上随便查了查,发现可能给外国人留下这种印象的原因是,中国人“到处打盹 ”的习惯。甚至还有长期旅居中国的歪果仁以Sleeping Chinese为名建了个网站,专门贴一些随手拍下的中国人随处打盹的照片。

(Via 新浪微博)
而造成这种现象的原因恰恰是因为中国人缺觉 。
一来,中国企业加班现象越来越普遍 。据国家统计局去年发布的数据显示, 中国人每天花在工作上的时间为9.2个小时,比经济合作与发展组织中工作时间最长的墨西哥人(每天工作近9个小时)还要辛苦。
二来,有统计数据显示,在中国,手机平均保有量超96台/百人,智能机普及率也达到了58%。中国网民每天上床后刷微博、微信朋友圈、刷剧、看视频 已成家常便饭,而且经常刷到半夜 的大有人在。于是,晚上缺觉,靠白天或者周末补觉 。

(Via sleepingchinese.com)

(Via 中新社)
据BBC报道,一项研究结果表明,周末“卧床不起”并不能弥补平日里缺觉对健康造成的不良影响 。
one was allowed no more than five hours per night over nine nights (sleep-restricted group)
the second was allowed no more than five hours for five days followed by a weekend when they could sleep as much as they liked before returning to two days of restricted sleep (weekend recovery group)
and a third was allowed plenty of time to sleep - nine hours each night for nine nights (control group)
▲Weekend lie-ins 'do not make up for sleep deprivation'(via BBC)
当研究结束后,两组研究对象都出现了体重增加和新陈代谢恶化 的迹象。
Research has shown that too little sleep can increase the risk of a range of health problems, including obesity and type-2 diabetes, in part by boosting the urge to snack at night and by decreasing insulin sensitivity, or the ability of the body to regulate blood sugar.
▲Weekend lie-ins 'do not make up for sleep deprivation'(via BBC)

(Via BBC)
"In the end, we didn't see any benefit in any metabolic outcome in the people who got to sleep in on the weekend," said lead author Chris Depner, an assistant research professor of integrative physiology at the University of Colorado Boulder.
“最终,我们没有发现周末补觉对研究对象的新陈代谢有任何益处,”科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的综合生理学助理研究教授、这项研究的第一作者Chris Depner说道。
While those in the recovery group saw mild improvements at the weekend (including reduced night-time snacking), those benefits went away when the sleep-restricted work week resumed.
On some health measures, the weekend recovery group had worse outcomes.
Insulin sensitivity declined by 13% in the sleep-restricted group, while in the weekend recovery group it worsened by between 9% and 27%.
One problem was that the people who were given the opportunity to catch up on sleep struggled to do so.
In the end, the recovery group achieved only 66 minutes more sleep on average at the weekend.
▲ Weekend lie-ins 'do not make up for sleep deprivation'(via BBC)

(Via BBC)

(Via Fox News)
这项发布在美国《睡眠》杂志上的研究发现,孩子出生后,家长的睡眠质量和睡眠时间都显著下降 。
Women’s sleep duration and quality were far more affected than men, whether or not they breastfed their child.
Women lost an average of one hour of sleep nightly compared to what they got prior to pregnancy, while men lost about 15 minutes of sleep per night.
Sakari Lemola, PhD, an associate professor at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom and a corresponding author of the study, said this may reflect the reality “that mothers are still more often in the role of the primary caregiver than fathers.”
这项研究的作者,英国华威大学副教授、博士Sakari Lemola说,这可能反映了这样一个现实,“相比父亲,母亲常常仍旧承担了主要的照看职责。”
Moreover, “following the sharp decline in sleep satisfaction and duration in the first months postpartum, neither mothers’ nor fathers’ sleep fully recovers to prepregnancy levels up to 6 years after the birth of their first child,” concluded researchers from the German Institute for Economic Research, the University of Warwick, and West Virginia University.
▲Parents don’t get enough sleep for 6 years after a child is born, researchers say(via Fox News)
整合:Du Qiongfang
资料:BBC, Fox News
图:BBC, Fox News, 新浪微博,中新社,francetvinfo.fr,sleepingchinese.com