
Their study of 40,000 teenagers reveals that boys; those from privileged backgrounds; and North Americans in particular, top the charts as the worst offenders.
The Scots and the Northern Irish are the least likely to indulge, with the English ranking mid-table, according to the study of 15-year-olds from Anglophone regions, including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland.
根据对来自加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰,英格兰,苏格兰,北爱尔兰和爱尔兰等以英语为母语的国家和地区的15岁青少年的研究,苏格兰人和北爱尔兰人最不可能撒谎 。
Via The Guardian

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据报道,这项研究是由伦敦大学学院教育学院教授John Jerrim牵头,分析了经济合作与发展组织收集的来自世界各地的15岁青少年对于关键学科的掌握状况。
For one of the questions, the teenagers must rate how familiar they are with 16 mathematical concepts ranging from polygons and vectors to quadratic functions and congruent figures. Hidden among the bona fide terms are three fakes: proper numbers, subjective scaling and declarative functions.
研究涉及的一个问题是,这些青少年必须评估他们对16种数学概念的熟悉程度,其中包括多边形、向量、二次函数和全等图形等。但在这些真正的术语中隐藏着三个假术语:proper numbers, subjective scaling 和 declarative functions。
Jerrim took the students’ responses to the three fake concepts to draw up a “bullshit scale”, which he then used to compare different groups, such as boys and girls, high and low socioeconomic status, and the regions where people lived.
“Boys are bigger bullshitters than girls, children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds tend to bullshit more than those from lower ones, and North Americans bullshit the most,” Jerrim said. Those who ranked highest on the scale tended to see themselves as more self-confident, more persevering, and more popular at school, than those further down the scale.
“男孩比女孩更爱撒谎 ,社会经济背景较好的孩子往往比较差的孩子更爱瞎扯,北美人最爱胡说八道,” Jerrim说。那些在“撒谎等级”上排名最高的人往往认为自己比那些排名靠后的人更自信,更坚韧,在学校里更受欢迎。
Via The Guardian
“You can think about the positivity of North Americans and the supposedly dour nature of the Scots,” said Jerrim. Within a country, boys, and children from more advantaged backgrounds, may fear admitting ignorance, he said, or feel more confident that they will get away with “over-claiming”
“你可以想想北美人身上那种积极性,以及据信苏格兰人会有的那种沉默气质,” Jerrim说,在一个国家里,男孩和背景优越的孩子可能会害怕承认自己无知 ,或者更有信心他们会侥幸逃过。
Via The Guardian
一位心理学家分析了爱扯谎的人的心理 :
“Some may do it more than others, but we all bullshit,” said John Petrocelli, a psychologist at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, who was not involved in the study. “People are social animals and we desire feelings of connection, belonging, and inclusion, so we try to participate when it is critical to build and maintain these relationships,” he said. “Such situations sometimes require us to talk about things we really know nothing about, and what comes out is bullshit.”
“有些人可能比其他人更爱撒谎,但其实大家都会撒谎,”北卡罗来纳州维克森林大学的心理学家John Petrocelli说。 “人们是社交动物,我们渴望建立联系,寻找归属和融入的感觉,因此我们在建立和维持这些关系时,我们会试图参与进去,”他说。 “这种情况有时需要我们谈论一些自己其实一无所知的事情,而事实却是在胡说八道。”
Via The Guardian
看来,撒谎也算是一门“艺术”了。不过,有时候,看着对方在撒谎也是件很尴尬的事情NBC News不久前的一片文章给了这样的建议:
当你发现对方撒谎的时候应该怎么做 Via NBC News
It’s important to ask yourself if it’s worth it to confront the liar: Is the fib a relationship deal breaker or a little white lie meant to spare your feelings?
Via NBC news