在 恐怖片里,经常有一些匪夷所思的情节。你敲一敲门,出来开门的可能会把你吓一跳。最近,这样的情节就在美国真实上演了。
“ 对不起,我走错门了。”

周五一个19岁的美国小伙子回家,因为误敲了别人家的门,被邻居枪杀身亡 。
Via New York Times
The teenager, Omarian Banks, approached the apartment at about 12:30 a.m. on Friday and began knocking on the door under the impression that his girlfriend was inside, the police said. After Mr. Banks, 19, walked away, a man inside appeared on his second-floor balcony to confront him and opened fire.
Via New York Times
“I went to open the door and he wasn’t standing right there,” Ms. Mathis said on Sunday. Ms. Mathis could not see Mr. Banks so she started walking out of her apartment and soon heard faint voices.
“I’m sorry, I’m at the wrong house,” Mr. Banks said, according to Ms. Mathis. She said she then heard a man use a racial slur and say, “Nah, you’re at the right house” — followed by two more gunshots.
Via New York Times
犯罪嫌疑人Darryl I. Bynes via Fulton County Sheriff's Office
She said she saw Mr. Banks on the grass and ran to him as she screamed his name but he did not respond. “He had tears in his eyes and I noticed the gunshot to his neck and I screamed, ‘Somebody help me!’” Ms. Mathis said.
The police said Mr. Bynes and Mr. Banks had a “verbal exchange” before Mr. Bynes fired a handgun three times from his balcony. Mr. Banks was pronounced dead at the scene.
警方说,拜恩斯和班克斯进行了“交流”,之后拜恩斯在阳台上开了三枪。 班克斯在现场被宣布死亡。
Via New York Times
Mr. Bynes’s family said he acted in self-defense and to protect his children because his car had been stolen earlier in the week, WSB-TV reported.
Via New York Times
“I don’t understand. I am dealing with the why,” she said. “How someone could be that evil to just shoot someone that clearly made a mistake and was begging you for their life? This was a kid that was fleeing.”
Via New York Times
@MichelleBelle 在背后放暗枪,还说是正当防卫?
@Sonita 敲开了凶手的大门。太无辜了。
@Nina Cash 毫无人性。没有对生命的一点点尊重。
@RetroDjAlliance 最令人难过的是新闻根本不报道。可怜的母亲,可怜的一家人。
获得格莱美提名的说唱歌手Nipsey Hussle ,在自己开的服装商店旁被枪杀。而嫌疑犯仍然在逃。

Via Twitter
The Grammy-nominated rapper Nipsey Hussle was killed in a shooting outside his clothing store in Los Angeles on Sunday afternoon, law enforcement sources said. Two other men were shot, and a suspect remained at large.
周日下午,格莱美提名说唱歌手Nipsey Hussle在洛杉矶一家服装店外遭遇枪击,不幸遇难。 另外两名男子也中枪,一名嫌犯仍在逃。
Police sources said Hussle was shot multiple times in the parking lot at Marathon Clothing on West Slauson Avenue in South Los Angeles at about 3:25 p.m. and that he was pronounced dead at a hospital.
警方消息称,Hussle在下午3点25分左右在洛杉矶南部West Slauson大街的Marathon Clothing停车场中枪数次,送医后被宣布死亡。
Via NBC News
各种暴力的手段,日益泛滥的枪支,美国社会到底是怎么了 。
@Rev. Cornell William Brooks
少年 #OmarianBanks 因为错按了门铃被射杀。
同样无情的 #枪支暴力。
图文:New York Times, Twitter, NBC News