恕我直言,在场说“you're welcome”的都是老年人了!

网络 刘洋 2019-04-05 16:05  阅读量:10614   

  没想到对方的一句thank you就能让我暴露年龄了......

  当对方说thank you,你会如何回答呢?

  大多数接受国内英语教育的我们可能会条件反射,“you're welcome”脱口而出,而这也是大多数年龄大些的美国人会用的经典回答......


  外国博主直接拉开战场,讨论用哪句话回答对方的thank you更好:

  “No problem” vs “you’re welcome”

  千禧一代表示对于“you're welcome”是拒绝的

(via 网络)

  You almost never hear a Millennial say “you're welcome.” At least not when someone thanks them. It just isn't done. Not because Millennials are ingrates lacking all manners, but because the polite response is “No problem.” Millennials only use “you're welcome” sarcastically when they haven’t been thanked or when something has been taken from/done to them without their consent. It's a phrase that's used to point out someone else's rudeness.

  你几乎不会听到一个千禧一代的年轻人说“you're welcome.”,特别是在别人感谢他时。不是因为这群年轻人忘恩负义且粗鲁,在他们看来答以“No problem.”更有礼貌。千禧一代只会将“you're welcome”讽刺地用在他们没有得到感谢或是别人未经他们同意拿走他们的东西等方面时。因此这是一个用来指出他人粗鲁行为的短语。

  “No problem" vs "you are welcome"(via Tumblr)

(via 网络)


  (via 网络)

  但婴儿潮出生的一代人更青睐“you’re welcome”,超级不爽“no problem”一类的答复,语言的代沟就这样产生了 。(Baby boomer,a person born during a baby boom , especially after the Second World War。是(尤指第二次世界大战后)生育高峰期出生的人,放到当下就是美国55-73岁的人群。)

  Baby Boomers, however, get really miffed if someone says “no problem” in response to being thanked. From their perspective, saying “no problem” means that whatever they’re thanking someone for was in fact a problem, but the other person did it anyway as a personal favor. To them “You’re welcome” is the standard polite response.

  然而,婴儿潮一代人会对别人回复“no problem”感到非常恼火。在他们看来,说“no problem”意味着无论他们在感谢什么都是为了造成的那个麻烦,但帮助者这么做无论如何都是出于个人的意愿。这一代人认为“you’re welcome”才使标准的礼貌回答。

  “No problem" vs "you are welcome"(via Tumblr)

(via 网络)

  然鹅不只是美国的年轻人,Buzzfeed的一篇文章指出,其他国家的人们也认为“you’re welcome”听上去很粗鲁。比如在大洋彼岸的英国,人们总觉得这句话带着点傲慢态度。而问题的关键更在于……

  But the problem with “you’re welcome” isn’t sarcasm. Well, not the whole problem. Not th

  at this is the intention, but "you’re welcome” can sound like you're taking the polite gesture from the thanker, and bringing attention to your kindness. To the unaccustomed ear, it can sound like “yes, I did you a favour, you should be thankful.”

  但问题的关键不完全是这句话带有讽刺的感觉。而是“you’re welcome”这句话本身会让人误以为你故作姿态,不习惯的人听了会觉得你像是说“是的我帮了你的忙,你本就该感激我。”

  Here's Why "You're Welcome" Is Not The Right Response To "Thank You"(via Buzzfeed)

(via 网络)


  “You’re welcome” has continued to act as a sort of comic brag or sarcastic remark.“You’re welcome”已经长期被大家经常用作滑稽的自夸或是讽刺。2016年的迪士尼电影《海洋奇缘》中可爱但自大的半神角色毛伊就有一首浮夸的配乐叫作“You’re Welcome”。


(via GIPHY)

  大家现在知道“You’re welcome”为什么这么不受待见了吧


(via 网络)

  那么“You’re welcome”到底为何沦落至此呢??



  “We’re taught it’s good manners not to toot your own horn,” Diane Gottsman, founder of the Protocol School of Texas, told HuffPost. “People don’t want to appear as if they’re expecting praise. But in trying to be humble, what happens is that many of us have difficulty accepting gratitude or compliments. We tend to say things like, ‘Oh, no, it was nothing.’”

  “我们认为不自吹自擂才是礼貌。”德克萨斯礼仪学校的创始人Diane Gottsman告诉赫芬顿邮报的记者,“人们不想表现得好像在期待赞美。 但在试图谦逊时,许多人却变得很难接受感谢或赞扬。我们往往会说“噢这其实没什么”。

  Why Don't We Say 'You 're Welcome' Anymore(via HuffPost)


  The shift away from “you’re welcome” is simply a matter of language habits changing, she noted.“Americans tend to value novelty,” Tannen said. “We don’t like saying exactly the same thing. We think we should say something a little different that has a little more character. We love our individuality and want to express it. ”

  “you’re welcome”不再流行是简单的语言习惯的变迁,乔治敦大学语言学教授Deborah Tannen提到。“美国人往往重视新颖性,” 她说,“我们不喜欢说一样的话。我们认为我们应该说些不同的带有个性的。我们喜欢并希望表达自己的个性。”

  Why Don't We Say 'You 're Welcome' Anymore(via HuffPost)

  3.“you’re welcome”已经被用成了没感情的客套话

(via 网络)

  Psychological and Brain Sciences at Boston University noting that “you’re welcome” is part of what’s known as formulaic language.“It’s part of a politeness formula,” she explained, adding that she’s found in her studies of child language acquisition that parents tend to emphasize this kind of communication.

  波士顿大学心理与脑科学系荣誉教授Jean Berko Gleason指出“you’re welcome”算是种客套话。“这是礼貌的公式的一种,”她解释道,并补充道她从儿童语言习得的研究发现,父母往往会强调这种表达。

  Why Don't We Say 'You 're Welcome' Anymore(via HuffPost)

  但与此同时,不乏有人认为“you're welcome”/“no worries”/”no problem”/”sure thing”/etc是视情况而使用的,也有礼仪专家提出“you're welcome”仍是很好的表达方式。

(via GIPHY)

  你如何看待“you’re welcome”之争?又遇到过什么其他的语言代沟现象呢?快来留言告诉大家吧!


  原文:Tumblr, Buzzfeed, HuffPost
