
In the year following the birth of a first child, women aged 25 to 34 saw their earnings fall by almost half compared to women with no children, according to the 2016 census, said RBC Economics Research.

据报道,在加拿大,考虑到女性生完孩子之后要休长达18个月的育儿假 ,这段时间的降薪倒是正常。但是,后面发生的事却……
"A more worrying statistic is that women experience a significant earnings penalty spanning five years after the birth of a child," said Andrew Agopsowicz, senior economist at RBC.
“令人担忧的是,女性生完孩子之后,降薪会持续5年 ,” 加拿大皇家银行的高级经济学家Andrew Agopsowicz说。
Overall, women aged 25 to 38 saw earnings that were down by four per cent in the five years after having a child, compared to those with no children, the study said.
It's even worse for younger women, with those aged 25 to 29 losing an additional 14 per cent in earnings over this period.

(图Via VCG)
这背后也是有原因的。加拿大皇家银行称,年轻点的女性之所以会遭遇更大幅度的降薪,是因为生孩子这段时间正好是他们职业发展和晋升的关键时期 ,而晚一点要孩子的话,情况可能会好一点。
"Focusing on women who have their first child between the ages of 30 and 34, we find that while there is again a substantial initial cost, earnings quickly return to, and even surpass, the level of those without children,"
根据对在30到34岁之间生的第一个孩子的女性的观察,我们发现,虽然他们最开始会有大幅度降薪,但收入会迅速回弹,甚至还会超过没有孩子的人的薪资水平,” Agopsowicz说。
"This suggests that having children early in one's career can have an outsized impact on earnings."
那么,生孩子对于作为爸爸的男性会有什么影响呢?情况和当妈的完全相反,报告显示,当了爸之后,他们的工资反而会涨 。

(图 Via Joe Giddens/PA)
"Whether this is because employers see fathers as harder working or more committed than non-fathers is up for debate and further study, but the fact remains that career costs of parenthood are largely placed on women," Agopsowicz said.
“这背后的原因是否是因为雇主认为当了爸的比没当爸的工作更努力,更上进,还有待进一步的研究和讨论,但事实就是,当爹妈所付出的成本主要都是女性承担的,” Agopsowicz 说。
在现实生活中,与男性相比,女性更多地需要进行工作和家庭之间的平衡,也就意味着,她们在养儿育女这件事情上付出的更多一些。有些人为了照顾孩子可能就不得不放弃一些职业上的发展 。
Last year, about a third of women aged 25 to 34 said they were working part-time in order to care for children, compared to less than five per cent of men in the same age group.
而且,做兼职的话,不仅工资会少,基本上晋升的希望也就比较小了,这样一来,男女之间的薪资差距也就更大了 。
其实,男女的薪资差距一直存在 ,而且还是个广泛存在的现象。
据The Guardian去年的一条报道,全球的男女收入差距还需要202年才能解决。
There is not a single country where women are paid as much as men. Laos, in South-east Asia, is the closest to achieving parity with women earning 91% of what men are paid.
没有一个国家的女性收入与男性一样多。 在老挝,女性的收入是男子收入的91%,是最接近平等的。
Yemen, Syria and Iraq have the biggest pay gaps with women being paid less than 30% the level of mens’ wages. The WEF ranked the UK 50th out of 149 countries for gender pay, with women collecting 70% of that paid to men.
Via The Guardian
在这种环境下,女性防止降薪的一个办法就是:晚点生孩子 。加拿大皇家银行的数据也显示,女性生育的年龄也确实晚了一些 :
The average age of women at the birth of their first child went from around 27 years in 2001 to around 29 years in 2016, according to the report.
报告显示, 2001年时,女性生第一个孩子的平均年龄是27岁左右,到2016年,延迟到了29岁左右。
可以说,对于许多女性来说,生孩子还是追求职业发展其实是两难的选择 ,而为了实现职业发展,有些人确实会选择晚点生孩子。
When it comes to that decision, mothers are still divided. Some 37% of women said a woman who wants a top executive positionsshould have children earlier, while 41% said waiting is better, according to a 2014 survey of about 1,800 people conducted by the Pew Research Center, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank. About 20% said it would be best to have no children at all.
在生孩子这个事情上,母亲们的意见仍然存在差异。 华盛顿特区皮尤研究中心2014年对约1800人进行的一项调查显示,约有37%的女性表示,想要担任高级管理职位的女性应该提前生孩子,而41%的女性表示等一等更好,大约20%的人表示最好不要生孩子 。
More American women are having babies in their 30s than their 20s (Via marketwatch.com)
The study said more women are working less in order to take care of older family members.
"While there has been an increase in both men and women reducing their work hours due to "personal or family responsibilities," women continue to bear the greater burden," RBC said.
文:CBC,The Guardian, marketwatch.com