
网络 刘洋 2019-04-08 10:06  阅读量:7479   


Via 网络;威廉王子(左)与邦德扮演者丹尼尔⋅克雷格(Daniel Craig)合影



Via theguardian.com;威廉王子在英国情报机构MI5,MI6, GCHQ实习

Via 网络

  MI5,MI6, GCHQ是什么神秘的地方?

  MI5的全称是Military Intelligence 5,也就是英国“军情五处” 。这是世界上最著名的谍报机构之一。

  MI6(Military Intelligence 6),就是常说的“军情六处” ,又称秘密情报局。

  提到MI6, 相信不少人能联想到英国著名的007系列电影和小说。

Via 网络

  007系列小说的作者就是前MI6特工伊恩⋅弗莱明 (Ian Fleming,1908年—1964年)。

  GCHQ是英国政府通讯总部 (The Government Communications Headquarters)英文首字母的缩写。英国政府通讯总部与英国军情五处和六处统称为英国情报机构的“三叉戟”。

  那么威廉王子在这三个情报机构的实习内容有哪些呢? 难道真的做了三周的“邦德”?

Via 网络


  Kensington Palace has revealed that the Duke of Cambridge has just finished a three-week stint at thesecret intelligence service , MI6,the security service , MI5, and GCHQ.

  据肯辛顿宫公布的信息,剑桥公爵(也就是威廉王子)刚完成了在秘密情报局 “ 军情六处”和英国国家安全局 “军情五处”以及英国政府通讯总部为期三周的实习。

  The highly unusual internship waskept under close wraps as Prince William spent a week with each agency in what he said was a “truly humbling experience”.

  威廉王子这段非同寻常的实习经历被严格保密 。他在每个情报机构实习一周;王子称这份实习是“真正让人心存谦逊的经历”。

  It began with a week at MI6, whose officers work secretly overseas. In a statement, the palace said the princehad seen firsthand how the agency helped the UK identify and exploit opportunities, as well as navigate risks to its national security, military effectiveness and economy from those who wish the UK harm.

  王子的实习从军情六处开始。该机构的长官们秘密地在国外工作。肯辛顿宫在一份声明中表示,王子在军情六处亲眼目睹 该机构是如何为英国寻求机会,如何保护英国的国家安全、军事效率和经济安全,避免被别有用心的人伤害。

  A second week, spent with MI5, saw Williamwork alongside counter-terrorism teams to see how theyconducted investigations .

  到了第二周,威廉王子就到军情五处实习了。他与反恐小组成员们一起工作 ,看他们如何开展调查

  His final week was an assignment at GCHQ in Cheltenham, where he spent time learning howcutting-edge technology could be used to identify, analyse and disrupt threats.

  威廉王子最后一周是在切尔滕纳姆的英国政府通讯总部实习。在这里王子了解顶尖科技 是如何被用来鉴定、分析、破坏(对英国安全的)威胁。


  Via theguardian.com

  威廉王子实习的机会那么多,为何偏偏选择到情报机构实习? 难道是为了学习当“间谍”的本领?

肯辛顿宫表示,王子选择这份实习,主要是与英国面临的恐怖主义威胁 有关。

  The palace said that, with the threat level forinternational terrorism in the UK having been setat severe or above for the past five years, the prince was able to see firsthand the “extraordinary work that staff across the security and intelligence agencies do”.

  肯辛顿宫称,过去五年,英国所面临的国际恐怖主义威胁 达到了严重及以上水平 。王子亲自到情报机构实习,能让他亲眼见证“英国安全机构及情报机构员工们的优异工作”。

  Via theguardian.com


  One revealed: “The Duke wasn’t justwatching from the sidelines . He was fully immersed at times onundercover surveillance operations , not just sitting in front of a computer in an office.


  “He impressed everyone with his professionalism — and his sense of humour. He spent most of his time with ordinary rank and file workers, not just the bosses, and sat with them in the canteen to join in their discussion.”


  Via thesun.co.uk

Via Ins

  王子的这份实习可把外国网友们激动坏了 肯辛顿宫的官方Ins账号上,这个消息获得了7万多个赞


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Via 网络

  威廉王子身上还真的有“邦德”气息,因为他年轻时候在英国陆军空军和海军 都有丰富的经历。



  Via 163.com

  Via 网络


  图:网络;Twitter; Ins
